Application and Approval Process
Application Preparation
Please collect all information before you start the application.
What information are we asking you to provide?
Preparing your application
Application Submission
Complete your application online.
How do you complete your application? - Step by step
Completing your application
Agreement to BioGrid’s Terms and Conditions
Each applicant will receive an email from BioGrid after submitting the application. Click on the link in the received email; your agreement to BioGrid Terms and Conditions is required before your application will progress.
Terms & Conditions
Data Custodian Approval
Each custodian of the databases you have selected will be notified about your request. They will review your project details and decide either to approve your access to their database or may contact you for further information.
Scientific Advisory Committee Evaluation
Two Members of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) will evaluate your research project regarding scientific quality and the potential impact of the research.
Melbourne Health Human Research Ethics Committee
All research projects must be submitted for ethical and research governance review before a project can be given approval to commence. The Melbourne Health Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) provides ethical oversight for projects in the Access Request System. Final ethical approval of your application must be given by Melbourne Health HREC.
Receiving Login Details
After your access has been approved by all relevant parties, a database administrator will create logins and assign access to approved databases for your project. The login details will be sent to each applicant via email.
Start analysing data
You can now start analysing the data by using the tools provided by BioGrid. **links to ‘Analysis Tools’ page**
What can you do after you receive your login?
After approval