SAS user training
BioGrid offers complimentary training sessions in the use of SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Visual Analytics for BioGrid members. Training sessions are tailored to the users’ requirements and are designed to provide sufficient knowledge to enable users to continue to use the SAS tools independently.
Training sessions can be conducted in person or via web interactive sessions. These hands-on sessions include valuable information on how to use the latest analysis and graphical features as well as tailoring analysis and reporting for individual research projects.
Specific areas that may be covered in training are outlined below, and will depend on the requirements of your research project.
SAS Enterprise Guide
- Software is accessed via Remote Desktop Connection to a BioGrid server, therefore no installation is required
- Combine data from similar databases
- Link data across databases using a Unique Subject Identifier (USI)
- Summary and descriptive statistics and data analysis
- Statistical analyses including survival, regression, ANOVA, multivariate analysis
- Recode data, sort and filter
- Generate graphs, tables and lists
- Import and export of data and other outputs
- Some understanding of database table relationships required
SAS Visual Analytics
- Self-service discovery and analytics via Internet
- Available on mobile or tablet devices as well as desktop computers
- Application which allows users to view and create reports
- Displays latest data with interactive web reporting and dashboards
- Application can be used for audit and data cleaning
- Location analytics can be applied to ingested data
- Easy export of output data
- Designed for users who do not have knowledge of database table relationships
To arrange a SAS training session please contact us.